Others have said that it could be buried human foetus. We're pretty sure it's a hoax, simply because if there are midget alien, they are too smart to be buried underground.
But this is not the first time the internet has fooled us or tried to do so. In a time where the internet is your oyster, we come across something awe-worthy almost every single day. Some things fill us with amazement, others make us question our intelligence. We think of ourselves as a generation which is more informed, but we are also a generation which believes whatever is fed to us via the world wide web. The next time you see or read something 'unreal', question it and read more about it on other websites before you click on the share button.
All the internet's a stage and these 9 'players' definitely got the better of u.
A mom of four Khalida Begum, 35 years old, gave birth to the prematured baby boy was shocked when she saw her baby with a tiny head, bulging eyes and a hard shell-like body. Doctors in India have diagnosed the baby boy with an extremely rare genetic condition called "Harlequin Ichthyosis".
At first, the baby's mom refused to breastfeed the baby and she asked the midwife to take him away. She called the baby an "alien". The local visitors believed he is a reincarnation of a Hindu God. However, as a mother she given into her instincts and begun to breastfeed her baby boy, despite calling him an 'alien' for his deformities.
The mother of baby said; "Several body parts of the baby is not completely developed. When I saw the baby after delivery for the first time, I was completely shocked to see the alien-looking boy. I couldn't believe that I had delivered an alien-like boy.
Villagers in Kadamgachi in Kathihar, are now flocking to the family home, believing he is an incarnation of Hindu monkey God Hanuman, it has been reported.